Baby, it’s cold outside – Escape this Winter

Baby it’s cold outside… As the thermostats start to be edged upwards, the fire gets lit and the slippers go on, the mind starts to long again for those hot summer days of going to the beach and finishing up with a barbeque. The train of thought usually winds up with a persistent nagging of “I need to get away for a while…” And so you start searching through travel sites and looking at package deals, trying desperately to find somewhere within the budget to take the family, your partner, or perhaps just yourself, away from monotony of home-bound, office-bound winter blues. Might I suggest – Norfolk Island? Cast your mind and those nagging thoughts in this direction. Norfolk Island. Situated in the South Pacific, just a 2-hour flight from Sydney and Brisbane, or 1.5 hours from Auckland. It is not your ‘usual’ tropical paradise, but who wants ‘usual’ these days? While the rest of southern civilisation is flying north for the winter to be laying by crowded pools, being hassled by street sellers or dealing with jet lag, you could be wandering through tranquil sub-tropical rain forests and dining in cosy cafes within hours of leaving your home. Norfolk […]

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Room to Think, Create & Be Inspired

Guest Blog Post by Sharni-Marie Barney One of the challenges facing a lot of us today is the lack of “space” that is available in the day-to-day craziness that we now call life. With constant notifications vying for our attention, media oozing out of every device and expectations from colleagues, bosses, friends and families that we are always “on” it is near impossible to find the time or the location that is needed to think. And not just think, but process, create, discover and mull over new ideas. “Creativity flourishes in solitude. With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, you can focus.” Creativity is an essential element in all forms of work and life. Without it everything becomes monotonous and tired: Businesses start to fail due to lack of innovation and fresh inspiration. Writers lose momentum and regular writing habits become bygone concepts. The artists’ “muse” vanishes. Relationships become uninteresting. Passion becomes a long lost fantasy replaced by “the grind”. I think you get my point. Here’s a few thoughts to consider: Recognise the need for creative space – This might be the first time you have thought about the need for constructive “time […]

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