A step in his journey

This week, Mokutu played host to a very interesting young American who is travelling the world.  Currently based in Queenstown, New Zealand, Chris Farrell emailed couch-surfers and woofing organisations on Norfolk Island when he decided to visit.  His request was passed on to us and we offered him Mokutu as his Norfolk Island accommodation.  In return, Chris helped to repopulate our images gallery with some fabulous shots of Norfolk and Mokutu. Chris has travelled all over the world on a shoestring.  So what?  He’s young, healthy and has time on his hands.  True, but he also has Asperger’s syndrome so has more challenges than the average traveller.  In fact, when he was just a very small child, his mother was told he would probably never talk or walk.  He resoundingly proved the doctors wrong.  While on Norfolk, he did a radio interview, addressed upper primary students at the school, showed the bartender at local nightspot, the Minibar how to mix Mojitos and met a wide cross-section of the population. Hayden and Denise at Automotive Service Centre set Chris up with a magnificent bike which he pedalled literally all over the island.  The hilly terrain was no deterrent at all and […]

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